Thursday, March 19, 2009

I want more content

Every time I watch video content on my computer it reminds me of how I wish my Vunow had more content. Today I was watching the NCAA tournament and kept thinking how nice it would have been to have these on my TV through my "Internet Video Box." I also keep getting upset that Verismo will not put out publicly any intent on what they intend to do with this box. I have had it for 2 months now and the content really hasn't gone anywhere. One big addition of I at least want to know they are looking to do hulu and and whatever else they are working on. And as I have read in a few places I would like to know what the hold up is. Is it a technically issue? Is it a political issue? Are you even looking into it? I want to know what to expect. I would love to have whatever game I want on my TV from the NCAA tournament.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vunow Upgrade

Two days ago my Vunow Box updated itself. It took probably ten minutes. During these ten minutes I had high hopes. That something would be updated. I would finally get my access. After it was all done I could see no changes. Hugely disappointing. This is the second update my box has received that I have noticed and both times after it was done I saw no differences. I would very much like it is Verismo Networks would put out what the updates are for the each upgrade somewhere on their website. I would very much like to know what is being made better and what else I could possibly be able to do with my box.
I did not notice, but a fellow Vunow owner in the AVS Forum site, noted that on the popular websites some of the web sites now have a date of March 10th for availability. Possibly this is just a setup for a big upgrade in features on March 10th. We shall see.